Self-Signed Certificates with OkHttp – the Right Way

Your sysadmin comes to you and says “hey, let’s quit using the developmestruction environment, I set up this new test server we can test with instead.” Awesome.  This is definitely a good thing for your development.

So you switch the URL your app is calling, but now you’re getting see this:

Screen Shot 2016-06-05 at 7.02.02 PM

Why can’t you connect?  Well, SSL certs cost time and money, so a lot of times in internal test and development environments you’ll see self-signed certificates.  By default, OkHttp isn’t going to trust those, since they aren’t signed by a known, trusted Certificate Authority (CA).

At this point, you may find some StackOverflow answers suggesting that you make a dummy TrustManager that just blindly accepts any SSL certificate.  Don’t do that.  You may as well disable SSL at that point, because anybody can run a man-in-the-middle attack to read and/or manipulate your traffic.  Seriously, just don’t.  Even for your test environment.  

The good news is, it’s just as easy to fix the right way by adding trust for your self-signed certificate.  Here’s all it takes:

Step 1: Download the .cer file


Open the URL in Chrome.  You’ll see the broken lock icon in the address bar; click it. Your goal is to drag the certificate to somplace you can work with it; Chrome will give you a .cer file.  (screenshots are small, click to embiggen)



Step 2: convert to .pem, using this in your terminal (and maybe spend a minute with “man openssl” to see what’s up here – we’re converting from one certificate file format to another)

openssl x509 -in server.cer -inform DER -out server.pem -outform PEM

Step 3: Drop the .pem in your app’s assets folder

Step 4a: Here’s how to add that custom cert to OkHttp3

Step 4b: OkHttp2 version

Run it again, and you’re good to go.

Author: jeb

Views expressed here are my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of my employer.