Thanks for watching my talk, How ProGuard Works, at Droidcon Boston or Android Summit. Here are some of the links that I mentioned in my slides, as well as links to some of my blog posts including the diagrams I used.
- ProGuard Manual
- ProGuard source code
- ProGuard v6 Release Notes (new options like -addconfigurationdebugging)
- Jake Wharton – Sinking Your Teeth into Bytecode at Droidcon UK 2017
My posts:
- Most of the Apps on My Phone Aren’t Obfuscated
- Reading ProGuard’s Outputs
- Distinguishing Between the Different ProGuard Keep Directives
- Feeding ProGuard’s inputs: where are all of these rules coming from?
- ProGuard pro-tip: Don’t use ProGuard’s “-include” with Gradle builds
- Best Practices for Enabling ProGuard
Gradle snippet for forcing a particular version of ProGuard:
buildscript { ... configurations.all { resolutionStrategy { force 'net.sf.proguard:proguard-base:6.0.1' } } }